Mergers and acquisitions

We advise clients in the regulating relations between owners and arranging transactions of buying or selling businesses and everything related to these transactions.


  • õigusliku auditi läbiviimine
  • tehingud aktsiate, ettevõtete ja ettevõtte varaga
  • osanike ja aktsionäride lepingud
  • ühinemine, reorganiseerimine ja likvideerimine
  • omanike vaidlused
  • tehingute struktureerimine
  • läbirääkimised

Contact person

Siim Mägi
Partner / Jurist
T. +372 6720 070
F. +372 6720 071



We are sincere and honest in our dealings with our customers. We only give advice that we are convinced is correct and useful. If necessary, we help to find a specialist from outside.

Speed & convenience

We consider the convenience of the customer when ordering services and the speed of receiving solutions to be important. We respond to inquiries within at least one day and adhere to agreed deadlines.


Costs under control

We consider it important that customers do not have unpleasant surprises during billing. The amount or magnitude of the fee is agreed upon with the client in advance, and the client has the opportunity to review the work report before settlement.


Stay up to date with news and events

Leave us your contact details and we will sometimes send you notifications about the most important business-related legal news or developments related to the office.
